

You can flourish, live a full, vibrant life, and find nurturance for body, mind and spirit. Attend to your life’s unfolding in its many dimensions by focusing upon the wholeness that is you as you most truly are. Learn how to nourish your relationships with the Divine, self, family and community. Soul Focus teaches and encourages numerous awareness practices that foster compassion for self and others and that connect you more deeply with your Soul and Divine Spirit.

“Each of us is born with a treasure, an essence, a seed of … potential, secreted for safekeeping in the center of our being. … Our personal destiny is to become that treasure through our actions.”
— Bill Plotkin in Soulcraft

Grow the seed of your Soul, become the beauty it holds, and express your essence.

Now is the time… to bloom, to fully flower, to send forth your intentions, be love in the world and be fruitful. You may have wondered ‘how’? With focused attention and intention, infused with heart-connected emotion and imagination, you can create the life you are meant to live.

Soul Focus offers you the support, services and skills that empower you to bloom and flourish.

Soul-focused life guidance services are based in psychosynthesis, a framework for personal growth (its literal meaning is ‘soul-making’). Psychosynthesis is holistic in its understanding of the human being. It includes both personal and transpersonal aspects of our being and incorporates many ways of working with our always-changing and developing human life.

Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry, spiritual healing touch, provides energy healing treatments that incorporate prayerfulness, and connection to our ever-present Divine Source.

Spiritual Companioning, sometimes called spiritual direction or spiritual guidance, provides gentle nurturing and support in exploring spiritual concerns and deepening relationship with the Divine.

Benefits to You When You Choose Soul Focus Services

  • You feel more relaxed, and are able to be more present in your life.
  • You receive energy from spirit for healing and wholeness.
  • You learn skills in using imagery, setting intentions, maintaining attention, and practicing mindfulness to increase emotional balance and mental clarity, and inner spaciousness.
  • You learn mind-body methods such as energy tapping and other energy exercises to reduce pain and increase wellbeing.
  • You identify obstacles and blocks to your growth, and have help in releasing or removing them.
  • You learn how to access your inner resources to achieve your goals.
  • You receive encouragement, nurturing and support to make changes that increase energy and joy.
  • You learn practices for connecting your Heart with Divine Wisdom and Love.

Carla Peterson, M.S., LPC

Licensed professional counselor since 2000. Trained in EMDR.
Trained in Psychosynthesis 1994-1996. Psychosynthesis teacher since 2005.
Trained in Spiritual Direction by the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation (2008) Certificate.
Trained in Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry from 2008-2013. HTSM-Certified Advanced Practitioner since 2014.
Trained SoulCollage® Facilitator, 2010

Rates for Services

Rates for services are on a sliding scale and are negotiable.

Soul Focus on Facebook.

Soul Focus

Address: 817 Hemlock Drive, Verona, WI

Email: carla.a.peterson@gmail.com

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